Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Parables and Michael & Liz Make New DVD

I recently attended one of Liz's photo shoots on "The Parables".  What an amazing experience.  No one could hold back the tears as we watched the models come to life as they portrayed their roles so well. The 2 models enacted Christ and a modern day version of the lost sheep that seemed so lifelike and real that you were in awe while observing.

Just the other day Michael McLean came into the studio with an idea for his Forgotten Carols.  He had written a new song and wanted to put several of Liz's painting of Christ, his birth and life on a large screen to be shown in a slide presentation as the Forgotten Carol's closing number.

We now have Michael's new song along with Liz's beautiful art work in a brand new DVD titled "Arise and Shine Forth".  If you would like a sneak peak of this amazing DVD you can see the actual video by going to: CLICK Foundation Arts

Gina Bagley
Editor in Chief 
Foundation Arts

Dinner Table

When I was growing up my dad would come home from work and we would all gather for dinner. We talked of things that happened that day. I did not know then how therapeutic that was. It was just something that we did every night. Now I look back and it was there at the dinner table where questions were answered and strength was given.

Today I come home from work and we all gather for dinner. I love to hear what happened to my children during the day. I love to listen to them complain and laugh about funny things. It is there that I often sense a child has had a rough day. I am hoping that they too receive answers to their questions and strength to their souls. It has become a tradition in my home as it was when I was young.

I discovered recently that many families don’t eat at a table but in front of the television. How sad to lose those moments of answering and strengthening. If there was one thing that I would use it would be the time when the family gathers for dinner. The time to teach and discuss and strengthen is between bites of roast beef and potatoes. Just a thought, but maybe telling a story of Jesus with a picture that shows it all would give the strength to our children that  they need today.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Get VIP Tickets to MEET LIZ in Person

If you have seen Liz's work there is no doubt that she has an immense love for the Savior and is a believer in his life and his teachings.  Liz Lemon Swindle has actually painted more pictures of Christ and his life here upon this earth than any other artist living or deceased.

The original copy of her most recent work "Come Follow Me" will be unveiled the second weekend in December at the The Joseph Smith Memorial building and Repartee Gallery in both Salt Lake City and Orem, Utah.

We have a limited amount of VIP Tickets available where you can meet Liz in person and receive a special gift.  Also if you have any of Liz's work you are able to bring it in for her to personally sign.

For tickets (6 per family) please contact me at cori.foundationart@gmail.com with the following: Number of tickets you need and the location you will be attending.

Joseph Smith Memorial Building15 E. South Temple, SLC          
Fri. Dec. 10, 6 - 9 pm
Repartee Gallery- 1110 E. Fort Union Blvd./above Desert Book   
Sat. Dec.11, 11- 2pm
Repartee Gallery- University Mall Suite J-168, Orem                    
Sat. Dec. 11,   6 - 9 pm

                                                NEW CONTEST
                        Be one of 5 Winners of "Come Follow Me"

Every purchase you make on www.foundationarts.com you receive an entry to win.  For more entries do the following:

1- Email cori@foundationarts.com (this will also subscribe you to our newsletter)

2- Become a follower of
In the comments section write "WHY" you want to win this painting.

3- Copy and paste this contest onto your Blog or Facebook wall and write or blog about it.
Contest Ends December 10th.  5 winners will be contacted and given one week to respond.  If you don't respond we will draw another winner. 
For the names of last months "Be It Unto Me" winners go to:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Newest Painting "Come Follow Me"

Monday Nov. 15th, on KLS's Studio 5, I had the opportunity of sharing my newest painting titled "Come Follow Me".  In the second weekend in December I will be unveiling my original "Come Follow Me" painting and share with you the story behind this painting of the Savior as he invites us to "Come and Follow" him.  The inspiration of this painting came from a quote I read by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin.

"In the midst of the noise and seductive voices that compete for our time and interest, a solitary figure stands on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, calling quietly to us, "Follow Me"

I was thinking it would certainly be nice to meet so many of you in person.  I brought this idea to my team and together we decided to give away 60 VIP tickets to each of my exhibits.  (We have put together a special holiday gift for those who have VIP tickets.) It is first come, first served so you will need to email my publicist (cori.foundationart@gmail.com) with the date and number of tickets you need. (no more than 6 tickets per request)

Dates, Times and Locations available for VIP Tickets:
Friday Dec. 10  6:00 - 9:00 pm ~ Bountiful 255 North 500 West
Saturday Dec. 11 12:00 - 2:00 pm ~ Fort Union 1110 E. Fort Union (2nd Floor in Deseret Book)
Saturday Dec. 11 6:00 - 9:00 pm ~ University Mall 575 East University Pkwy. Suite J-168 Orem

I look forward to meeting those of you who are able to attend.

Liz Lemon Swindle

If you would like to WIN one of my personally signed prints of "Come Follow Me" you can get more information by going to CLICK WIN PRINT.

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Watching Liz At Work" ~ By Cori Dyer

For the past several days I have had the opportunity to watch international artist Liz Lemon Swindle direct several photo shoots for some of her up and coming paintings in "The Parables" project.

"The Parables" project is a collection of over 50 paintings that represent on canvas both the Biblical and modern day settings of Christ's parables as in the New Testament.  

Each of "The Parables" paintings have hidden symbols that the viewer can find.  These symbols are a representation of Christ's hidden message that he wove into his parables.

This collection will not be completed until 2012 but you can start your own exclusive collection of "The Parables" right now by going to: http://www.lizlemonswindle.com/

LEFT: Liz Lemon Swindle reviewing photo phoot 

When viewing "The Parables" look for the completed Biblical and modern day version of:  The Rich Young Ruler, The Great Supper and I Would Gather Thee.

Parables with the completed Biblical settings are: The Wheat and The Tares, The Prodigal Son,  The Black Sheep, The Sheep and The Goats, The Good Shepherd and The Good Samaritan.

Photo shoot of modern day Lost Sheep                       Liz Lemon Swindle and model Nichole                                                                                                     
with Painting of Completed Biblical setting

Another way to start your parables collection is by ordering the "2011 Parables Calendar" at: http://www.foundationarts.com/facal.aspx  OR by going to one of the following retailers:          Harmons, Maceys, Deseret Book, Roberts and participating Hallmark stores.